BuildSkills Academy: Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the European Union for the Green and Digital Transition

The SDG Academy is a global network partner of an exciting new project funded by the European Commission: the BuildSkills Academy.*

This project aims to establish a pan-European framework and certification scheme for the construction sector. This scheme, through Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe, will update the skills and competencies required by the industry to align with the EU’s twin transition (green and digital) and climate neutrality goals by 2050.

Ultimately, the project seeks to support VET centers to advance the transformation of the built sector with the twin transition needs while becoming a global benchmark for enhancing and certifying VET services. The SDG Academy will play a vital role in disseminating the project results and knowledge worldwide.

The project started in June 2023, when the SDG Academy (as part of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network ), and17 partners joined the BuildSkills Academy kick-off meeting in Sofia, a 3-day event hosted by Cleantech Bulgaria (project coordinator).

Financed under the Erasmus+ Programme and co-financed by the European Union, this
project, through vocational education and training, will lead the construction workforce into
the global twin transition for a more sustainable future.

*The project Academy for Transitional Skills in the Built Environment is co-funded by the European
Union, ERASMUS+ Programme under Grant Agreement number: 101104419