Our Mission is to create and curate relevant content on the SDGs, share innovative pedagogies and training models, and nurture a global community of learners to prepare this generation and the next to achieve sustainable development.


Our Vision is a world in which the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are achieved through the efforts of multiple generations of educators, policymakers, practitioners, and citizens. By providing avenues of learning, collaboration, and partnerships, the SDG Academy will mobilize a truly global movement aimed at advancing sustainable development everywhere.


massive open online courses to date

territories 193+
alumni 1 million
Visitors per country 1

Our Team

We are a team of experts in international development, policy, pedagogy and content production, passionate about leading global education for sustainable development.

Jeffrey Sachs

President, SDSN

Patrick Paul Walsh

Director, SDG Academy

Amber Webb

Managing Director, SDG Academy

Lucia Rodriguez

Director, Master's in Development Practice Program Secretariat

Dawn Adrian

Education Manager, Kuala Lumpur

Isabela Carrozza Joia

Program Associate, Paris

Kayla Colyard

Education Manager, New York

Jessica Crist

Education Manager, New York

Sherlina Kaur

Education Manager, Kuala Lumpur

Shannon Kobran

Head of Education and Training, Kuala Lumpur

Helen Perham

Communications Coordinator, New York

High Level Advisory Council

Mohammed Al Rizeiqi

Sultan Qaboos University

Brad Beecher


Niamh Brennan

Trinity College Dublin

Carolynn Chalmers

ESG Exchange

Jit Ern Chen

Sunway University

Tsung Ping Chung


Ramu Damodaran

University for Peace

May East


Michael Fors

The Boeing Company

Thanos Giannakopoulos

UN Library

Dan Groody

University of Notre Dame

Narimane Hadj Hamou


Lorcán Hall


Charles Hopkins

York University

William Hynes

World Bank

Yuma Inzolia

UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

Radhika Iyengar

Columbia University

Trine Jensen

International Association of Universities

Abel Kinyondo

University of Dar es Salaam

Katrin Kohl

York University

Elizabeth Lee

Sunway Education Group

Enda Murphy

University College Dublin

Emmanuel Ola-Olowoyo


Oláńrewájú Oláníyan

University of Ibadan

Zheng Qian

Sumitomo Corporation of Americas

Michael Richey

University of Bath

Niki Rodousakis


Joanna Rubinstein

Sweden for UNHCR

Lisa Sachs

Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment

John Schwartz


David Smith

University of the West Indies

Kristen Stebbins

JPMorgan Chase

Rocky Tuan

Chinese University Hong Kong

Zeynep Varoglu


Stephen Wyber

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

Raquel Xalabarder

European Patent Office

Stefano Zamagni

Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Virendra Rawat

Green Mentors

The SDG Academy is made possible through the generous support of the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation.
Support from other donors is gratefully acknowledged.

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